- Bries(1)
- Brigade Graphics Empire(9)
- British Columbia Cartoonists Society(4)
- Brooklyn Bums(2)
- Brooklyn Bums Publications(1)
- Brown Comics(1)
- Brownfield Press(16)
- Budget Comics(1)
- Buenaventura Press(3)
- Buffalo Nickel Design(1)
- Buford-Ellis(1)
- Buford-Ellis Productions(1)
- Bulldog Productions(23)
- Bumblenut Press(1)
- Busy Body Books(1)
- Busybody Books(1)
- Butch Burcham(1)
- Butcher's Dog Press(20)
- Butchers Dog Press(2)
- Butterhead Productions(2)
- Buyer Beware Comics(3)
- Buyer Beware Productions(1)
- C&T Graphics(101)
- C.C. Publications(1)
- C2D4 Comics(2)
- CLG Comics(2)
- CLJII Fan Publications(2)
- CPL - Gang Publications(1)
- CRC - Convention Reader Comics(1)
- Cadogan Comics(2)
- Cafe Armageddon(2)
- Cal Cool Graffix(2)
- California(1)
- Candid Cartoons(13)
- Candy Comics(1)
- Cannon Comics(4)
- Cantab Publishing(1)
- Canyon Creek Christian Academy(1)
- Captain Carmal Productions(1)
- Captain Carnal Productions(1)
- Captain Cheapo(1)
- Captain Cheapo Publications(2)
- Carl Comics(3)
- Carpal Tunnel Press(2)
- Carrollton(1)
- Cartoon Looncy(1)
- Cartoonists Northwest(3)
- Cartoony Comics(5)
- Cascadia Comics(1)
- Castle Enterprises(1)
- Cat's Paw Comics(1)
- Cataclysmic Comics(4)
- Cats Paw Comics(1)
- Celeste Comic Book Co(1)
- Champagne Studios(2)
- Charity Press(1)
- Charlton Comics(5)
- Cheap Publishing Empire(6)
- Cheap Skate(1)
- Cheapskate Press(2)
- Cheese Boy Comix(2)
- Cheese Comics(4)
- Cherry Stone Press(1)
- Chiasmus(1)
- Chiasmus Comics(2)
- Chibi Comics(1)
- Chicken Head Comics(1)
- Chilam Balam(1)
- Childrens Grafiks(1)
- Chili Com Carne(2)
- Chimera Productions(4)
- Chimneysweep Nostalgia Company(1)
- Choosy Beggar Books(11)
- Chow Chow Productions(7)
- Christian Comic Arts Society(15)
- Chrome Fetus Comics(1)
- Chuckles Productions(30)
- Cine Club Borges(1)
- Clandestine Comic Company(6)
- Clandestine Press(2)
- Clayton Publications(1)
- Clenched Comics(1)
- Clownhead Productions(2)
- Coffee and Wings Comics(1)
- Cold Water Press(2)
- Colectivo Phanzynex(12)
- Collectors Book Store(1)
- Collectors Press(1)
- Colossal Studios(2)
- Colt Comics(1)
- Colzac Comics(4)
- Comatose(1)
- Combined Efforts Productions(1)
- Comi-Com-Comix(6)
- ComiCosley Studios(1)
- Comic-Con International(14)
- Comic Arts Conference(1)
- Comic Book Legal Defense Fund(1)
- Comic Book Professionals Association(1)
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