- Anthem for a Doomed Youth(1)
- Anthology 1991(1)
- Anthrax Press Newsletter(1)
- Anthropomorfuck(1)
- Anti-Social(3)
- Anti-Social Terroress(1)
- Antisocialman(7)
- Anus 'n' Andy(1)
- Anything for a Cheap Laugh(1)
- Apex(1)
- Apex - Ron Kraus(3)
- Apocrypha from a Pagan World(1)
- Apollo Astro(1)
- Appletown(1)
- Approbation Universe(1)
- Approved by the Comics Code Authority(1)
- Aprendiz(3)
- Apres-Shampooing(1)
- Apricot 'n' Babette: Total Loonacy(1)
- Apricot O'Toon(1)
- Apt(1)
- Archangels Thunderbird(1)
- Archeopteryx Funnies(1)
- Archie(1)
- Archipelago(1)
- Archives of the Alien(2)
- Are(1)
- Are Always Fun to Draw(1)
- Are You My Dada(1)
- Are You Tired of Being Picked On?(1)
- Are You the Main Householder There?(1)
- Arizona Schwartz: The Lost Archaeologist(1)
- Arken Sword(1)
- Armageddon(1)
- Armageddonquest(6)
- Armen Hammer(1)
- Arnie Comix(1)
- Arnold Steinbergs Fiction Magazine(1)
- Arrival Time in Limbo(1)
- Arrows Bring Comfort(1)
- Art(1)
- Art?(1)
- Art Can Be Fun!!!(1)
- Art Dekko(1)
- Art Riders(12)
- Art School Scum(1)
- Art and Life(1)
- Artbabe(4)
- Artfly(2)
- Arthur's World(10)
- Arthur Adams Sampler(1)
- Artichoke Tales(2)
- Article 19(8)
- Artie Bohm(1)
- Artifacts(1)
- Artige Zeiten(5)
- Art in the City(1)
- Artistic License(1)
- Artix(1)
- Artmaster(2)
- Artmen(1)
- Artpolice(7)
- Artsy Fartsy(1)
- As Air to Water(1)
- As Big as Earth(1)
- As Eavesdropped(1)
- As I Recall the 'Sixties(4)
- As a Joke(1)
- As an Ambassador I Have Failed(1)
- Asema Minicomic(2)
- Asher Bear Makes a Pod(1)
- Ashes to Ashes(1)
- Asinine Head(1)
- Asinine Head Special(1)
- Ask Miss Anthropy!(1)
- Aspect(2)
- Asphalt Aneurysm(1)
- Ass Backwards Comix(1)
- Assblaster(1)
- Assorted Superlatives(3)
- Assorted Thoughts on Insanity: Ephemeral Comix 1980-1982(1)
- Asteroid 1997 XF11(1)
- Asthma(1)
- Astounding Sci-Bondage(1)
- Astounding Suspense(1)
- Astro Advertizer(2)
- Astronaut Elementary(2)
- Astronaut Hair(1)
- Así Pasan Los Días / Escuadrón Rescate(1)
- At Least One Other Person(1)
- Ataraxia Theatre(1)
- Atlanta Fantasy Fair(1)
- Atlanta Graphics Art Convention(1)
- Atom Robot Adventurer(1)
- Atomic Blue Ribbon Flyer(2)
- Atomic Comix(1)
- Atomic Powered Wallpaper(1)
- Atomic Tights(2)
- Atomiser(1)
- Atomman(1)
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