Bezango, WA 985 #5 (Danger Room)

  • 3894.jpg
Series Tag(s)
City, State / Province
Edition / Printing
Danger Room
Print Run
Writers / Artists
Cover color
Binding Type

Mostly-text fiction with illlustrations.

From the inside cover of the first issue:
"Hidden in the Coastal Mountains of Southwest Washington State is an obscure town far from Interstate 5, far from the sphere of influence of a major metropolitan region. Welcome to Bezango, Washington. Allow me to introduce you to a few of our citizens."

This is a series of short, interconnected stories by Steve Willis (Morty the Dog, Cranium Frenzy) about the peculiar citizens of this town.

In 2005 Steve Willis reprinted most (if not all) of his back catalog in editions of only five copies each. They were originally sold at the Danger Room comic book store in Olympia, Washington.

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