Comic-Con International: San Diego 2000 Program
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Writers / Artists
William Stout, Jack Kamen, Jackie Estrada, Gary Sassaman, Al Feldstein, Gahan Wilson, Barry Barnes, Richard Becker, Jeff Rebner, Keith Tucker, A. Norte, Mark Jiro Okui, Mike Vosburg, Janet Hetherington, Bob Simpkins, Jonathan Cesar Siruno, Bryan Talbot, Homeros Gilani, Monte M. Moore, Brian Hudson, Arturo Alamilla Jaimes, Tim Burgard, Chris Trevas, Ricardo Delgado, James Reddington, Rafael Navarro, Arnie Starkey, J.F. Garcia, Rod Espinosa, Rudy Ostoja, Inga Sorensen, Robert W. Zailo, Aaron Fetner, Tao H. Nguyen, Gerald De Jesus, W.A. Peabody, Keith McCaffety, Roy D. Pounds II, Jason Dube, Scott Shaw!, Dave Gibbons, Ken Meyer Jr., Tim Sale, Johnny Beware, Carlos Buelna, Barb Rausch, Arne Ratermanis, Joshua Quagmire, Paul Young, Mark Lucas, Dave Reyes, Harry Lampert, Mart Nodell, Sheldon Moldoff, Steven Sphar, Ralph Rawson Werner, Ron Williams, Johnathan Jett, Lynn Walker, Christopher Michael Johnson, Efren Molina, Richard Dominguez, Jacinto Hernandez, Bill Maus, Matt Martin, Rob Osborne, Tom Rasch, Patrick Hatfield, Sean Ortega, Jeff Oleson, John Haward, Jesus Garcia Lopez, Scott Cranford, Josep Blas, Brent Sprecher, Carlos Arana Chauira, Alejandro Fonseca Rodriguez, R.C. Harvey, Carol Pond, Moebius, Jeff Bonivert, Donna Barr, Paul F. Chabot, Chris Smigliano, Roman Arambula, Luis Enciso - Curry, Mitchell R. Beiro, Steve Leialoha, Anne Timmons, Scott Sava, Conrad W. Rudy, Jesse Hamm
Page Count (including covers in most cases)
Cover color
Interior color
Binding Type
Contents include art sections in tribute to EC Comics/MAD Magazine, Charles Schulz's "Peanuts", Dinosaurs & Giant Robots, Will Eisner's Spirit and Flash & Green Lantern.
Roughly 8¼ x 10¾" (8½ x 11" trimmed)
Characters appearing in artwork (might be original to the issue or reprinted material)
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