Rocket’s Blast #010
5 one-sided mimeo pages.
Editorial features include:
"ROCKETEER GOSSIP" by Rick Weingroff. "Heroes United" by Fred Bronson. “THE FEATURE” profiles Larry Tucker.
"THE BEST OF S-F" — Bob Harner 3rd reviews “War of the Worlds” by HG Wells. "Graviteer and the Hole in the Ocean," text story written/illustrated by Buddy Saunders. "BLASTING OFF" by Fred Bronson. "Forked Lightening Meets The Mania Master" by Paul Moslander. "THE COLLECTOR'S CORNER" (“Great Guardians, Another Guardian”) by Don Foote. A critique of Ray Cummings' "The Girl in the Golden Atom" by Paul Moslander. "LETTERS TO THE EDITOR" from Paul Moslander and John Ferrazzano.