Comics F/X #14
Contents include: Clay Geerdes "Comix Wavola" comix history column, Bruce Sweeney's "Underground Station", The Small Press Round Table discussion (with Matt Feazell, Brad Foster, Doug Holverson, Steve Keeter, Jim Main, T.M. Maple and others), A.P. McQuiddy interviews Scott Stevens, a look at Wertham's The World of Fanzines, comics reviews, news, letters (James Barnett, Donald R. Kuntz, Walt Rodgers, and David C. Matthews); more.
Also: photos of Michael A. Carroll, Mike Toth, Ian Shires, Matt Feazell, Brad W. Foster, Allen Freeman, Doug Holverson, Steve Keeter, T.M. Maple, Scott Stevens and others.
Roughly 11½ x 17½
MUPubs #106
United Fanzine Organization (UFO) memberzine.